Phone Dialer is just a "plain vanilla" phone utility. All I wanted to be able to do here is enter someones name easily, find names easily, and dial easily. The dialing features are pretty basic and set up for the Hayes modem standard. If you want to change the dialing protocol to match your modem (non Hayes I suppose), just open the script to the phone list field and put in the proper codes in the pulse or tone dialing scripts… I've hilited them with "•" characters so you can find them… consult your modem manual for help with this. The codes in place will work for most modems.
"ADD NEW NAME TO LIST"… Enter the new name and phone number, separated with a comma, into the dialog box. Spell out the name without adding any "extra" commas (they are used as item separators in the list!). Example: Billy J. Bumper, 1-898-555-1212 The hypens are OK within the phone number. The entry will be automatically placed into the list in alphabetical order to previous entries.
Normally the "lock" icon should be locked. If you should want to mess around with the phone name list, clicking on the icon will unlock the field and allow you to write in it. This is how you can delete and change names too. If you just want to get rid of one or two names click on them with the option-key down (see below).
WITH THE PHONE LIST FIELD LOCKED! One click on a name will activate the dialing function. You will get a dialog box allowing you to confirm the name and action. If you click on a name with the OPTION key down (hold it down for a second or so as you click) you will activate the single line name deleting feature. You can confirm the action in the dialog box. Then… bye, bye name and number! Unlock the field, click and drag, to delete a block of names and numbers.
The "FIND NAME…" button will bring up the standard HyperCard find (message) box. Just type in the name or number that you are looking for and hit RETURN or ENTER. If you want to continue searching, hit RETURN again… and again… and again! Once you find the name (it will be "boxed in", just click on it, or whatever.
Set the type of modem activity by clicking on the appropriate "phone" icon. The one with the
"speaker" is for speaker dialing (pretty clever, huh?!), the one with the "lightning bolt" is for pulse dialing, and the one with the "notes" is the tone dialing mode button. Once you set the one you need for your modem, you won't have to mess with these again… but their fun to click every once and a while to see the hilite go on and off!
That's about it folks, like I said, nothing fancy here!